physical VR theme park
Come to our locations and experience VR worlds being as real as reality

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How does it work?
Walk, touch and feel
You put on VR equipment and experience an interactive story where you can physically walk around, physically touch and feel everything you see. Just like as it is a real world you are in. Another way to get such level of immersion now perhaps is only dreaming.

Furthermore, our experiences are designed to be free of motion sickness. Money back if you have it.
Play with friends, no experience required
More people means more fun! Bring your friends. Bring your lovers, colleagues, parents, children, anyone you care about. Together you will discover secrets and experience the magic of mysterious and alluring worlds and share unforgettable emotions and memories!
Live through your favourite games and stories
Partnerships with gaming titles are coming. Soon you will be able not only to enjoy them on PC, but live and feel the most memorable episodes or even play completely new ones at our VR theme parks!
Graduated from Y Combinator Startup School 2019
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